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Adding View Functions

Adding Encrypted Balance Retrieval

To enhance our contract with secure balance viewing, we're going to implement a getBalanceEncrypted() function. This function will employ permissions to enforce access control, ensuring that only the rightful owner can retrieve and decrypt their encrypted balance.

Defining the Function

We'll start by adding a new function to our WrappingERC20 contract. This function will use the onlySender(perm) modifier from the Permissioned contract to ensure that only the message sender, validated through a signature, can access their encrypted balance.

    function getBalanceEncrypted(Permission calldata perm)
returns (uint256) {
return FHE.decrypt(_encBalances[msg.sender]);

Off-Chain Signature Generation

Users will need to generate a signature off-chain, using EIP-712 to sign their balance retrieval request. This signature proves that the user has authorized the retrieval of their encrypted balance.

Executing the Function

When calling getBalanceEncrypted(), the user includes their off-chain generated signature as a parameter. The function will execute only if the signature is valid and matches the msg.sender, returning the user's encrypted balance.

Putting it All Together

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import "@fhenixprotocol/contracts/access/Permissioned.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@fhenixprotocol/contracts/FHE.sol";

contract WrappingERC20 is ERC20, Permissioned {

mapping(address => euint32) internal _encBalances;

constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) ERC20(name, symbol) {
_mint(msg.sender, 100 * 10 ** uint(decimals()));

function wrap(uint32 amount) public {
// Make sure that the sender has enough of the public balance
require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount);
// Burn public balance
_burn(msg.sender, amount);

// convert public amount to shielded by encrypting it
euint32 shieldedAmount = FHE.asEuint32(amount);
// Add shielded balance to his current balance
_encBalances[msg.sender] = _encBalances[msg.sender] + shieldedAmount;

function unwrap(inEuint32 memory amount) public {
euint32 _amount = FHE.asEuint32(amount);
// verify that our shielded balance is greater or equal than the requested amount
// subtract amount from shielded balance
_encBalances[msg.sender] = _encBalances[msg.sender] - _amount;
// add amount to caller's public balance by calling the `mint` function
_mint(msg.sender, FHE.decrypt(_amount));

function transferEncrypted(address to, inEuint32 calldata encryptedAmount) public {
euint32 amount = FHE.asEuint32(encryptedAmount);
// Make sure the sender has enough tokens.

// Add to the balance of `to` and subract from the balance of `from`.
_encBalances[to] = _encBalances[to] + amount;
_encBalances[msg.sender] = _encBalances[msg.sender] - amount;

function getBalanceEncrypted(Permission calldata perm)
returns (uint256) {
return FHE.decrypt(_encBalances[msg.sender]);